Our Recipe Tree | What's a Recipe Tree

Welcome to Our Recipe Tree!

Welcome to Our Recipe Tree where the most important ingredient is you! The following video gives a brief overview of the entire site and how it works. It is our hope that everyone who passes through here takes the opportunity to preserve their precious food memories.

Our Recipe Tree

The Recipe Tree is the cornerstone that your family or group of recipes is built on. This is where people can go to see who is in your group, what their stories are and view the recipes they have to share. The Recipe Tree is necessary in order to create your Recipe Book.

The Recipe Tree helps you organize those recipes that have been floating around in your cupboards for years so you don't lose track of them. Then you get to connect those recipes to your User Profile or to someone elses User Profile on your Recipe Tree.

For example my mother, who has passed away, has the best tea biscuits in the world. Now I have a choice. I can take a photo of her recipe card, upload it, and attach it to a profile I created for her OR I can type out her recipe and add some cool related photos with her in them. Now I have organized a history of her story, photos of her, and her recipes. Please don't let your memories be lost!

It's time to take this Recipe Tree up another notch. You can add videos of your friends or loved ones creating these recipes and upload those to be stored and organized forever! How fun is that?!

But wait there's more... Now that you have grown a Recipe Tree, you have the ability to choose your favorite Recipes from your collection to create a Recipe Book.

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