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Bridal Punch

Bridal Punch

Contributed by : Erik Kanwischer
Canadian Recipes : Beverages and Smoothies

Bridal Punch

Total Time

Not Mentioned

Prepare Time

Not Mentioned

Cook Time

Not Mentioned

Recipe Servings

12-15 Servings

Ingredients for
Bridal Punch

  • 1 6 oz. can frozen orange juice
  • 1 6oz. can frozen lemonade
  • 1 6oz. can frozen limeade
  • 4 cups cold water
  • 1 large bottle chilled ginger ale

How to Make
Bridal Punch

  1. Combine all but ginger ale
  2. Pour over block of ice
  3. Add ginger ale just before serving
  4. Garnish with mint leaves, if desired
  5. For variation float 1 pint of lime sherbet on top of punch