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Keto green bean casserole

Contributed by : Ken Hall
American Recipes : Holiday and Event Recipes

Fan favorite casserole. Topping, and the homemade soup is the key to lower carbs. Enjoy

Total Time

60 mins

Prepare Time

20-30 mins

Cook Time

30-40 mins

Recipe Servings


Ingredients for
Keto Green Bean Casserole

  • 3 cans Green beans  (or 3 bags frozen green beans)
  • 2 cups home made cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 cup cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup bacon bits
  • 1 cup of processed pork rind
  • 1T butter, or olive oil 

How to Make
Keto Green Bean Casserole

  1. grease a 9×13 casserole dish 
  2. add 3 cans of green beans  (if frozen beans are used, cook according to package )
  3. mix in 2 cups of homemade cream of mushroom soup (warm soup mixes easier)
  4. stir in bacon, and cheese 
  5. top with fried onions, or low carb version   pork rind crushed in a food processor (add melted butter, and pulse in as final step)
  6. Bake at 350 for 30-40 mins