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Deviled Eggs

Contributed by : Jane Berthiaume
Canadian Recipes : Appetizers and Snacks

Who doesn't love a really good deviled egg, and this is a really good deviled egg! Especially when you're using farm fresh ingredients like the eggs our chickens lay.

Total Time

45 mins

Prepare Time

30 mins

Cook Time

15 mins

Recipe Servings


Ingredients of
Deviled Eggs

  • 12 Eggs large 
  • 2t Dijon mustard 
  • 2T Chives fresh chopped 
  • 6T Mayo 
  • 4 dashes Tabasco 
  • Salt/pepper to taste 
  • Smoked paprika sprinkled over top 

How to Make
Deviled Eggs

  1. Hard boil eggs then cut in half lengthwise with a smooth sharp knife.  
  2. Scoop out yolk and mix with all ingredients except paprika until smooth and creamy.  
  3. Prepare a dish or container to hold empty egg halves. Place a paper towel under eggs to avoid slippage. Place egg yolk mixture in ziplock bag and cut a small hole to pipe mixture from and fill egg white holes. 
  4. Sprinkle top with smoked paprika and add a few additional chives for garnish if desired.